USNE Services
Our services
Utility Service New England (USNE) is an electrical service provider offering construction, service, and equipment repair including same-day service. USNE offers 100% self-performing field and shop service for our customer base regardless of the asset’s location.
USNE Power
Factory Authorized Service Center Medium Voltage Apparatus Repair
USNE services equipment from all manufacturers and offers on-site and shop service to complete repairs and modifications.
Valuable commissioning and predictive maintenance services are available to any asset owner.
Complete transformer service, including retro-fills and emergency repairs, all pole-top or pad-mounted equipment can be serviced, and supported by an inventory of key components and complete replacements.
USNE MV Contractor
Medium Voltage Electrical Utility Constructor and Service Provider
USNE completes overhead buildouts and underground installation for asset owners, contractors, and O&M providers.
We also offer contractor support services for line work and cable installations.
Our sizeable inventory of MV cable, equipment and hardware is available for emergency support.
USNE PowerReach
Sports Lighting and Aerial Service
USNE repairs, relamps or retrofits all lighting structures.
USNE's specialty lifts and equipment allow access to all fixtures and electrical enclosures.
Our nonmarring, low impact tracked lifts allow set up on today’s synthetic surfaces and travel through gates and doorways as tight as 36”.